Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear Young Man Who May Be Trying To Win Some Fair Maiden's Heart,

Here are some tips on what NOT to do!

First let me start off by saying that just because a girl talks to you or gives her input in a group conversation doesn't mean she likes you.

1) It's good if you are interested in a girl to show interest in who she is and the things she likes to do, etc. However, this can be taken too far. You do not need to know what her daily schedule is like...there is no need to drive 10 minutes out of your way to work to "get gas" in which you take an out of the way route to get to said gas station which just happens to take you by the girls house. And it is especially not smart to do this in the morning when dad and brother see you pass by as they leave for work. While a girl does like to know that a guy is interested in her (well I'm reffering to mutual interest) and takes interest in the things that matter to her...acting as a surveillance camera and watching her every move just creeps her out.

2)When it comes to conversing with a girl you are interested in, try to pick topics or things to talk about that makes sense and not like some random thing you thought up just so you can approach her and have something to "say" to her. Never approach a girl and start the conversation with "did I pass you on this such and such road on this such and such day at this such and such time?" Again, this qualifies as being a "surveillance camera" and only freaks the girl out.

3) If you are not in an official relationship with the girl yet, or not totally sure that the girl likes you, then it is best that you not make your "interest" in the girl too obvious. For example - when ushering, do not pick the side that she sits on in church to walk by everytime you usher. Another example would be putting her first at the list of names of your e-mail forwards.

4) If the girl is talking to someone or several persons, do not approach them and start talking to all the other persons except her...this only annoys her at it is obvious that you want to be around, but you are interrupting her conversation with said persons so you can talk about random stuff just to be around the said girl that you like....weird!!

Speaking of weird....what is a girl and family supposed to glean from a guy following them home from church (when he lives like 3 min. from church) and then branching off on a different road, only to speed by us headed in the opposite direction on the road that we live off of. I mean, is he trying to see if he can beat us to our house by going a different way? What's the point of that? He doesn't live there....

5) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, try to be like her father in everything. That is so not going to help you. Following her dad everywhere, hanging around with him, dressing like him, trying to get the same job as he has, etc....this only turns a girl off. It's good to talk and get to know the dad, etc. but you can do this without having to be just like him.

These are some of the main points....if I think of anymore I'll let you fellas know. Hope this helps!

(would like to thank my friend JL for her contribution in helping write this post).


Becky said...

So, Kristen, do you have a stalker????

Jessica Long said...

'Wish S.S. could somehow read this... Wonder if he would get the hint?

Kikki said...

Mrs. Faught, yes!!! It's the same stalker I had two years ago...apparently I didn't make myself clear enough the first time.

What part of "I'm not interested" is so hard to understand?!?!

Jess, yeah me too....prob. not, lol!

Justin Gist Preuninger said...

oh wow... sounds like you have your fair share of entertainment!

I hope everything works out to restore peace to your life! Yikes!

Kikki said...

ha ha Justin...not sure I would call it entertainment, but it is interesting. :D

Thanks, I hope this nonsense ends soon!